Present to give economic value and best service in the field of Oil and Gas exploration survey, mining exploration, diamond exploration, goundwater exploration, living envionment activities survey and earthquake monitoring, geothermal survey also, povides solutions to the economically effectiveness and efficiency by observing eco green issue.
We strive for total costumer’s satisfaction by providing good service, competitive prices, excellent quality and prompt response.
We provide continuous service development and comprehensive feasibility studies on geological and geophysical data for institution and government boards.
Our company conducts basic and advance training periodically for our customers to meet the updated technologies and latest instruments.
We are always ready to serve the installation and mobilization of geophysical instruments and drilling tools, along with the operators to the area or location.

We was participating national Saresehan energy baru terbarukan untuk mewujudkan visi energy 25/25

On November 2nd 2010, PT Gealogic Survey Provices was participating national Saresehan energy baru terbarukan untuk mewujudkan visi energy 25/25 wich been held by Minestry of ESDM RI (energy sumber daya Mineral ).

We was participating national seminar on Geologi Nuklir dan Sumber Daya Tambang 2010

On October 26th 2010, PT Gealogic Survey Provices was participating national seminar on Geologi Nuklir dan Sumber Daya Tambang 2010 wich been held by Pusat Pengembangan Geologi Nuklir Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional. Our contribution as sponsor on the seminar with topic Peran IPTEK Nuklir dan kebumian pada Era Otonomi daerah Guna menunjang Kesejahteraan Masyarakat.

G E A L O G I C - Exploration Survey, Services & Equipment Rental. All Rights Reserved.